I'm an Online Business Strategy Coach/Integrator who supports online business owners with behind the scenes tasks, systems, and processes to help them free up time to do the things that light them up and move the needle forward on growing their businesses.
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Do you enjoy selling?
Who is looking for what you do? What are they googling or asking their friends about?
What is unique about YOUR offer that can help someone looking make a buying decision quickly?
Can you write a post this week selling one of your offers or your opt-in using language that speaks DIRECTLY to someone looking for you?
What is your framework? What is the step-by-step method you use to get your clients results?
How do you talk about your framework in your content? Can you create more curiosity with your messaging?
If your framework had an acronym, what would it be?
Do you like to write?
If there was one area of your business that could use a writing “glow up” – what would it be? Why? What would help you improve this area?
Are you a good writer? Explore this belief.
How are you creative?
What can you do to nourish & nurture your creativity?
What will you create today?
What inspires you to write? Do you enjoy writing?
Do you feel like you have something to say?
For those of you who don’t run a business currently, can you imagine yourself creating a newsletter about one of your favourite topics? (Books, fashion, one of your hobbies, travel, etc.?)
List some small conveniences & pleasures that brightened your week last week.
What action will you commit to today that will benefit future you?
What does the DREAM level of support look like for your business?
“Abhyasa-vairaghyabhyam tan-nirodhah” Yoga Sutras 1.12 (The whirling states of mind are stilled by practice & dispassion.) This has always been one of my favourites of the yoga sutras. It serves as a reminder that we must both dedicate ourselves to practice while also letting go of an attachment to the results.
What is your practice? (this can be anything you dedicate time to)
How can you release your attachment to the results of your practice?
What are you holding on to right now & could loosen your grip on?
Where could you dedicate more time/energy/effort to your practice?
What passion drives you?
How do you keep going when someone tries to dull your shine?
What makes you “happy”?
What reminds you to stay present?
How can you invite more presence & appreciation into your day-to-day life this month?
How can doing this support your business or work life?
If you didn’t want to achieve your goals, what would you be doing?
How many of those things do you do right now?
What’s “really” holding you back right now? Tune into your body for this one & give yourself time & space for the answer to emerge.
When you’re busy, are you working toward something or are you avoiding something?
What goal could use a bit more push to help you achieve?
What do you need to let go of to have more time freedom?
What is an ambitious goal you have this month?
What systems can you put into place to facilitate planning?
How can you simplify? What can you use that you’ve already created?
What tech can you use to make reaching your goal easier?
Do you need to consider bringing on a support team?
When you’re 95 years old and looking back on your life, what do you most want to say about what you’ve experienced?
Describe your Goldilocks business.
What do you need to be well-resourced in your business & life? What kind of support do you need to have this?
What season of business are you currently in?
How can you make the most of this season?
What are you doing to prepare for the next season?
How does it feel when you sit down to work on your business?
What’s going well right now? What are you celebrating?
What needs attention & perhaps a change?
What is your number 1 goal for this quarter?
What do you want this quarter?
What’s in the way?
What part of you feels empowered to be successful? Feel this part of you – can you describe how it feels, where it resides in your body, and what nurtures & supports this part of you?
What do you know to be true about your desires? What guidance do you already have within you? Where can you find quality information to support your intuitive guidance?
What data do you need to track/know/look at to measure your success?
What’s the plan?
When have you made a business decision that prioritized YOUR life over your access to your programs/offers for your clients/customers? How did it feel to do that?
What boundaries do you need to set for your business? What boundaries could use some relaxing?
What do you want MORE of?
What does “the business of pleasure” mean to you?
Do you resonate with “soft” as a way to describe your business? Why or why not?
What are your core business feelings? How do you most want to feel when you sit down to work?
If there were one area of your business (or life) that could be more organized, what would it be?
What kind of support do you think you need to feel more organized?
What action steps could you take this week to get closer to being organized?
What has worked really well for you this year?
What do you need to stop doing?
What is one small change you can make to do more of what’s working & less of what isn’t?
What will you do to commit to making that change?
We’ve all had challenges, and out of those challenges, we have learned to accept & offer ourselves grace & compassion. Challenges can also help us discover our strengths.
Brew yourself a cup of coffee & sit down with these reflective journaling questions sometime over the next week.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your life? How did you overcome them?
What do you need to give yourself more grace for?
What are some of your biggest achievements? (There are some clues to your strengths in this answer.)
What do you LOVE doing?
What are some unusual skills you have? (Let’s think out of the box here!)
What would not be the same had you not been a part of the project?
What do people compliment you the most on?
Steep yourself a cup of your favourite tea & get out your journal. Before taking time with these questions today, spend some time noticing your body & the sensations you feel.
Take some deep breaths then answer the questions.
How does your body feel today? What sensations are present for you?
Are there emotions associated with the physical sensations in your body? What are they?
Why do you feel the way you do?
Take a moment to visualize yourself reaching one of your business goals. Feel that goal as a felt-sense reality in your body. Then notice the sensations you feel as you answer the following questions.
What sensations are present? What emotions are associated with the sensations?
Why do you feel this way about your goal?
Do you need to change your approach to your goal? What do you need to change & how will you change it?
What can you learn from your body?
Feeling stuck? Here are a few journal prompts to help you shift that energy.
How will you know when you aren’t stuck anymore? What will be different? What observable changes would you see?
What do you already have (skills, resources, support) that could move you forward?
What if time & money were not an issue – what would you do to get unstuck?
What is the decision you’ve been avoiding?
So… what WILL you do? And when will you take action?
What do you most desire right now?
What actions do you need to take in order to have this?
What’s one thing you can you do today to get closer to your desire?
What do you need to KEEP doing in order to have what you want? How can you remain devoted to doing this thing?
What’s your FAVOURITE way of sabotaging yourself when it comes to following through with what you want to do?
What’s standing in the way of you achieving the success you want?
What 3 things could you do to support yourself and make sure the things you need to do get done?
If fear wasn’t a factor, what would you change right now?
What small change can you make right now that could positively impact the trajectory of your life or your business?
What recent change do you feel really good about making? Why?
What, if anything, is in the way of your creativity right now?
How does it feel in your body & mind to be uninspired?
How does it feel in your body & mind to be inspired?
What could you do today to feel more inspired to create?
Imagine you’re fully confident in your abilities, what could you do?
Imagine you’re fully confident that others will support you. Now what could you do?
What’s the thing you’ve been thinking about, avoiding, circling, and secretly wishing you could be doing?
All of these journal prompts are taken from my weekly Sunday Brunch Newsletter. Sign up below to receive new prompts & helpful business tips weekly. 👇🏻
I'm an Online Business Strategy Coach/Integrator who supports online business owners with behind the scenes tasks, systems, and processes to help them free up time to do the things that light them up and move the needle forward on growing their businesses.
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