The Business
of Pleasure


Keep reading!

Introducing The Business of Pleasure™, a body-based approach to creating sustainable, successful marketing strategies; up-leveling your relationship with money; conquering self doubt; and becoming the person you need to be in order to have the business you want.

The body. 

You’re an entrepreneur, so you already know – running your own business brings up some of the most challenging personal development work you’ll ever do. 

While it's a massive privilege to be your own boss, it’s also okay to say it – entrepreneurship is no joke.

But there are things you can do to feel more confident, to trust yourself more, and to cultivate the resilience you need to be a business owner. 

And it all starts with a powerful tool every entrepreneur already has—

You can feel way better in your business. 

learn more

We've all heard that "mindset is everything" when it comes to overcoming the inevitable challenges that come along with running your own business. All you need to do is "reframe" that negative thought and you're good. Right? 

In my experience, it's not that easy. Sometimes trying to convince yourself of a "positive reframe" feels more like self-gaslighting than actual transformation.

Of course, having a positive mindset makes challenges in your business easier to navigate - but what makes having a positive mindset easier?

This is a question I set out to answer for myself and the many business owners I've worked closely with who have successful businesses but still deal with intrusive feelings of imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and overwhelm when it comes to the infinite number of voices out there giving them "tip & tricks" for how to run their business. 
In my experience, a body-based coaching methodology is the missing link most creative business owners are looking for when it comes to up-levelling their capacity for success and the only reason why they haven’t found it before now is because it’s not in the mainstream… yet. 

Body-based coaching gives you a foundational understanding of how to support yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually while you grow your business. You'll notice that staying resilient through the ebbs & flows of running a business feels easier to do when you know how to use your body to feel & integrate challenging emotions.

Your body is a wonderland.

But... you're also not a huge fan of the woo-woo privilege-guised-as-manifesting & ineffective mindset work you've tried in the past. 

You've had some significant success in your business and you know it's time to make some changes to grow your business and you want to do it in a way that aligns with your values & doesn't burn you out. 

You're a creative, out-of-the box thinker who never really felt right in the bro-marketing, hustle culture, online business space.

You work as a coach, freelancer, service provider, yoga instructor, or in the wellness industry.

You've been in business for 2 years or longer. 

The Business of Pleasure™ is for you if…


Guess what? I know that, too. 🙂

But like I said – entrepreneurship is no joke, and the next phase of your growth is going to require a thought partner to help you keep it all straight.

There is way too much noise out there, telling you what you should and shouldn’t be doing with your business. It’s getting increasingly difficult to tune into what you actually want, and what’s right for you and your business.

"I should be making more money by now." 

"Maybe I don't really have what it takes."

"Plan?? LOL"

"I should be more consistent with my content."

Do you catch yourself saying things like..

There are plenty of voices out there that make it seem like every entrepreneur should be striving for high 6- and 7-figures. But what do you really need and want? And what’s a healthy goal for the business you have? 

Oh hi, writer's block! Content creation has become its own full-time job, and we all know none of it matters if we’re not consistent. This is one of the most common areas I help my clients with – you are not alone! 

Otherwise known as Imposter Syndrome, this is some toxic cultural conditioning at work here. Almost every creative I’ve ever met struggles with this – even when they know about the toxic cultural conditioning. One of the things I’ll help you with is owning your brilliance. 

It’s pretty hard to nurture a long-term vision when your days are filled with client work, and the business of running a business. And when you do sit down to plan… crickets. What you need is clarity around where you’re going, and a workable, flexible roadmap to help you get there. 

Putting yourself out there with work you feel really passionate about is a vulnerable thing to do – and here you are, doing it! You might be struggling through this weird growth phase, but none of that is because you’re “bad” at entrepreneurship. You’re great. You just need a fresh perspective and some real-deal support.

you are a badass.

It takes so much time, energy, and hard work to make it through those first 3-4 rocky years on your own. Things like “the future” feel so distant and removed from your current reality – and then you get busy working IN your business instead of ON your business, and suddenly you look up and wonder what the heck just happened. Nobody talks about this phase, and I think that’s doing us a disservice. 

growth is weird af.

Literally all of my clients are experiencing some version of the things you’ve read about on this page. I don’t say that to minimize your experience – I believe there’s been a fundamental shift in how we relate to our work, our lives, our bodies, and our money, and the existing paradigms just aren’t working for us anymore.

You aren't alone in this.

Here's what I know...

merge brand co

"We tell everyone to work with Robin! She's trustworthy, efficient, and supportive."

client love

I'm so excited to share a new way to work with me...


Running a business means making daily decisions about what to work on, who to reach out to, when to launch, and what to share with your audience. Together we’ll create your own bespoke morning ritual to clear your energy and connect with intuitive guidance – before diving into practical tools like metrics tracking, audience interviews, polls, industry trends, etc.

making smart business moves.


Many of us have a tentative relationship with the word “power” (more of that toxic conditioning at work). True power is a deep, felt sense of integrity and groundedness around who you are, what you want, and who you are becoming as you pursue your desires. We’ll explore your relationship with power and boundaries, and how to ground into your true power as you invite people to invest in your offers.

who do you have to become?


This is where we draw upon your intuitive wisdom to help guide us toward exploring what might be in the way of developing the capacity you need to reach your business goals. We'll also explore the foundation of your business model & develop the systems you'll need to have in place to ensure your goals are not going to burn you (or your team) out. 

what do you need to do to have it?


True clarity requires certainty, an ability to listen deeply, and a strategy that aligns with your desires. Your business can't mature if you aren't clear about what you want, so this is where our work together will start.


what do you want?

A peek inside what you'll Get... 

You’ve got something really special going on, and I'm here to help you REALLY feel that truth so that when you have to create anything in your business you’ll feel:  

Excited & confident about what you're creating.

Certain that you have the capacity within yourself AND your business to make it happen. 

Emboldened to fully embody the power of your creation as you invite your soul-aligned clients to invest in your offers. 

I’ve spent the past 5 years using some of the best tools in the coaching industry to support women in living pleasure-filled lives. As a 600-hour certified VITA Coach, my work introduced me to the power of body-based coaching strategy. 

This, combined with 14 years of teaching yoga and 17 years of running an online business has brought me to the pinnacle of my work with women.

The Business of Pleasure™ is an extension of my life's purpose to support women to do the things that bring them the most joy, delight, and abundance - and to do those things through a deep connection with the intuitive wisdom of their bodies. 

My mission is to help you feel well-resourced and confident doing work you’re really good at & you feel deeply passionate about doing.

I'm Robin. Pleasure-Based Strategy Coach & Content Whisperer.

hey there!

misty lucas, holistic business coach

"After our very first meeting, I found myself with a crystal clear vision of where I needed to take my project and the precise steps to get there. Robin's support left me feeling empowered, and my messaging became a beacon, effortlessly connecting me with my audience."

As your business grows, you'll need to be prepared to bring on new clients. We’ll explore the systems you need to have in place as your business grows. You’ll learn about the best client management systems, project planning tools, booking systems, payment platforms, accounting tools, and automation tools to help you run your business. You’ll develop a foundation that will make it easy to bring on support (bookkeeper, VA) with ease when you’re ready. 

the resourced entrepreneur

We’ll explore the practical side of building an email list plus how to create a well-thought out, segmented marketing flow that you ENJOY and can stay consistent with - without forcing. I’ll share email marketing best practices with you & support you in understanding the tech that makes it all work seamlessly. We’ll work together to develop an email marketing strategy, on-brand content ideas, and develop a sales funnel for your core offer. 

email marketing

We’ll explore using social media as a marketing tool ensuring you’re getting the most out of your efforts to grow and connect with an audience on the platform(s) of your choice.  Get the strategy & the tools to begin planning and sharing relationship building, revenue-generating content on social media without feeling like you have to be glued to your phone 24/7. 

social media marketing

Your strategic action plan.

signature strategy work in every session 

get expert guidance to move your business forward 


Learn how spiritual practices & practical action steps can come together to support you in establishing an unwavering devotion to creating and sharing your work with others.

emotional resilience

Explore feelings of worthiness & deservingness with a breathwork practice that invites you to circulate energy through your body as you visualize what you want.

grounding into your desires


clarity of desire

Work through a deep, embodied process to help you name your desires then explore them in five-senses reality.


What can you expect in a session with me?

the anatomy of the business of pleasure™ framework


Boldly claim your voice when you talk about your work, your values, your boundaries, and your brilliance. 

messaging & communication

Release conditioning you no longer need in order to have a sense of sovereignty over your life & your work, and leverage the connections an entrepreneur needs to grow. 

right relationship



Cultivate the kind of power that holds you steady and serves as a beacon to the clients who are looking for the support you offer. 


Develop a core offer(s) and pricing strategy that allows you to feel well-resourced and stress-free when it comes to financial planning. 

wealth consciousness

Your business has its own energy & consciousness. Learn how to tap into that to inform the messaging, offerings, pricing, and marketing strategies it needs. 

know, trust, & listen to the energy of your business


thriving & capacity

Feel what it’s like to thrive at the level of success you desire in your business – as a felt sense in your body. 


Ready to get started?
The first spots open in March 2024.

“Robin is the ultimate coach - she exudes safety, compassion and kindness. Her energy and excitement for the content and the practices are contagious and she is there every step of the way!”


The capacity to grow your business and not stress yourself (or your team) out. 

The capacity to grow your business and not stress yourself (or your team) out. 

An ability to say the really good stuff about your work because you no longer reserve those things for your trusted friends and clients. 

An ability to TRUST your next steps because you know how to source direction for yourself. 

A deep, spiritual connection with your work and your intuitive guidance.

Bone-deep confidence - this is the stuff resilience is made of.

Clarity that will be FELT - your audience will TRUST you more. 

A repeatable success strategy for any goal you want to reach in your business.

You'll complete this coaching program with... 


Yes! Let's do this!

ready to change your life?

Sign Up Now

Payment Plans Available 

There are a couple ways to look at this decision. If you want to spread out the payments over a longer period of time - go for the extended. If you're ready to dive in and get to work and want to go deep right away - do the accelerated. The work is the same - the implementation time is different. I will always suggest to go with the accelerated so that we can build some serious momentum for your business within just a few weeks! 

i can't decide between the accelerated or the extended options! Help! 

A big part of the magic I share in this program happens through your commitment to practices designed to support your work on a deep subconscious level. Rituals are a key part of how we'll create a relationship with your body & your deep intuitive guidance to support nervous system regulation before you begin every single work day.  We will tailor the practice to suit YOU and your comfort/capacity for this kind of practice. 

what do you mean when you say "bespoke ritual"?

I totally get that committing to a coaching package might feel like more support than you need right now. I am open to discussing 3 session a la cart coaching packages if you have a very specific idea of what you'd like to work on and feel comfortable with fewer sessions. 

do you offer single coaching sessions?

Of course! You can either attend all of the calls together or opt for some calls to be individual and some together.  Your partnership can only grow through this process & of course I'll share several  powerful communication tools you can use to strengthen your partnership. 

my business is a partnership - can we both join?

Yes, I completed a 600 hour VITA™ Coaching Certification in 2018 with Layla Martin. The body-based coaching tools I use in this program are the same tools I learned while training with Layla.  From establishing clarity to exploring the deep inner resistance to your desires - you'll be held in a trauma-informed container with an experienced coach & guide that invites lasting transformation. 

do you have a coaching certification?

Things have been going pretty good for you in your business. You’ve made some money and you’ve created something you feel really proud of. You're at the point of your business where you realize that you might be in this thing for the long haul and that both excites and kind of terrifies you. You'd love some accountability & support to make sure your next steps are aligned & profitable. 

who is this coaching program for?

Have Questions? I've got answers.

I'm so excited to share this game-changing coaching methodology that will help you make friends with your inner saboteur, tone down the intensity of self-doubt, and give you an embodied process for creating inside your business that you can wholeheartedly trust. 

And start doing the inner work that actually helps you feel better?

are you ready to stop gaslighting yourself into believing "everything is a mindset issue"....