I'm an Online Business Strategy Coach/Integrator who supports online business owners with behind the scenes tasks, systems, and processes to help them free up time to do the things that light them up and move the needle forward on growing their businesses.
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If you’re a dreamer like me (and honestly – if you’re on here it’s very likely you are) you have some big plans for your business. Maybe you’ve written them out – but more likely I’m guessing they’re bouncing around in your head as you daydream about what’s possible for you & the people you serve.
Is it that new funnel you’ve been considering, or maybe a new program you want to launch? Either way – you want to make it happen.
What I want you to imagine today is that you’re FULLY supported while launching your new idea into the world. You’ve got someone right by your side helping you decide on your next steps, keeping you accountable, and ensuring everything stays on track so that your new idea can come to fruition with the least amount of stress possible.
Not everyone has the skillset to strategize a launch from start to finish – because it IS a skill. It requires being able to clearly visualize the end result and then work backwards to ensure every step that needs to be taken to get to that result is part of the strategy.
Luckily – I have been blessed with a neurospicy brain and I’m REALLY good at launch strategy. At times this skill is an absolute curse because it’s actually what causes “executive dysfunction” to happen.
Executive dysfunction for folks who have ADHD is what happens when you’ve got a BIG job to do and you simply cannot do it. It’s part overwhelm, part procrastination, and 100% frustrating because almost all of the time you WANT to be able to do the thing. You just can’t.
The thing that causes the inability to start something is the feeling of overwhelm I get when I think about all of the steps required to do the thing.
And that’s why I’m amazing at planning your launch. I can visualize every single step that needs to happen in order to get to the end result. It’s totally a superpower and I intend to use it to do good work in the world.
That work?
Helping you make your big dreams & ideas happen in your biz.
The BONUS of living nearly 50 years with ADHD (40 of which were undiagnosed) is that I have mad skills for overcoming things like executive dysfunction. So while I still struggle with getting started – I have learned that putting the multiple steps into order and focusing on one bite-sized step at a time is how to get things done.
Want help on your next launch? Check out my Voxer Coaching Membership here.
I'm an Online Business Strategy Coach/Integrator who supports online business owners with behind the scenes tasks, systems, and processes to help them free up time to do the things that light them up and move the needle forward on growing their businesses.
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